.. Matlab documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 04 20:28:37 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. include:: includes.rst NIMS |matlab| toolbox ======================= .. figure:: ./_pictures/icon_nims.png :scale: 50 % :align: right The NIMS toolbox has been developed to plot and to analyze (nano)indentation data (obtained with conical indenters) for bulk material or multilayer sample. With this Matlab toolbox, it is possible to : * plot and correct nanoindentation dataset with standard deviation ; * calculate the coefficient of the power law fit of the load-displacement curve ; * calculate the energy of the loading (area below the load-displacement curve) ; * plot of the stiffness and the load/stiffness² evolution ; * calculate the Young's modulus and hardness of bulk materials ; * calculate the Young's modulus and hardness of thin films on a substrate (for a bilayer or a multilayer sample (until 3 layers on a substrate)) ; * generate Python script of axisymmetrical FEM model for use in ABAQUS (cono-spherical indentation of multilayer sample). .. figure:: ./_pictures/download.png :scale: 20 % :align: left :target: https://github.com/DavidMercier/NIMS `Source code is hosted at Github `_. .. figure:: ./_pictures/normal_folder.png :scale: 4 % :align: left :target: https://github.com/DavidMercier/NIMS/archive/master.zip `Download source code as a .zip file `_. .. figure:: ./_pictures/normal_folder.png :scale: 4 % :align: left :target: https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/nims/latest/nims.pdf `Download the documentation as a pdf file `_. .. figure:: ./_pictures/GUI_Main_Window_Esample_curve.png :scale: 50 % :align: center *Screenshot of the main window of the NIMS toolbox.* Contents ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 getting_started configuration models models_thin_films minimization examples python_abaqus links_ref Contact ========= :Author: `David Mercier `_ [1,2,3] [1] `CEA, 17 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France `_ [2] `Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany `_ [3] `CRM Group, Avenue du Bois Saint-Jean 21, B27 – Quartier Polytech 4, 4000 Liège, Belgium `_ Acknowledgements ================== The author is grateful to `Dr. V. Mandrillon `_ from (`CEA `_, France (Grenoble)) and to Dr. M. Verdier from (`SIMaP `_, France (Grenoble)), for long discussions and many advices about nanoindentation. The author is grateful to `Dr. Igor Zlotnikov `_ (`Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces `_, Germany (Potsdam)), for providing example files. Keywords ========== |matlab| toolbox ; nanoindentation ; conical indenter ; Young's modulus ; hardness ; thin film ; multilayer system ; analytical model ; python script ; finite element modelling.